In addition to the default unit types available in the program, users can also customize a unit by using the Masonry Unit Database. In the database, users can enter in the unit type, solidity, height, length, density, etc. Users can also save the unit supplier to reuse the settings for other assemblages later on. The masonry unit database is particularly useful when a contractor or engineer wishes to use a unique type of unit. The database also provides the program with a certain level of adaptability, as it takes into account the fact that standard unit types may change in the future.

To open the masonry unit database:

  • Click on the Masonry Unit Database button  in the toolbar

To add a new supplier to the masonry unit database (Figure 2‑30):

  1. Enter a new supplier by clicking on New supplier
  2. Entering the supplier’s name (for example BestSupply) and click on Apply changes

Creating a New Supplier

To add a customized unit to the masonry unit database (Figure 2‑31):

  1. Click on the new supplier  based on the assigned name (for example BestSupply) 
  2. Enter a new unit line by clicking on New unit line
  3. Fill in the properties of the new unit, including the name (for example BestBlock), unit type, solidity, dimensions, size, and strength
  4. Click on Apply changes and then OK

Creating a New Unit Line

*Note: Upon completing the addition of a new unit into the masonry unit database, you may need to close and Re-open MASS to begin an assemblage design using the new unit. Versions 2.2 and newer have been addressed to be more stable when it comes to editing masonry units.

Default Masonry Units

MASS contains a vast number of default values which the program uses to design an assemblage. To view the properties of the default units used within the program (Figure 2‑32):

  1. Click on the Masonry Unit Database button in the toolbar
  2. Click on the masonry unit  name (Default Block or Default Brick)
  3. Click on the unit type name (for instance, Hollow (Type A) )
  4. Click on OK

Viewing the Properties of Default Masonry Units

*Note: Changing the properties of default masonry units is not recommended.  A useful feature within the database is that it is possible to copy a unit line, and make small changes to the properties of that new unit (avoiding the need to alter the properties of default units).

Continue Reading: Beams

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