Design individual shear wall elements using MASS

This section provides all the information required to use the shear wall module in the Masonry Analysis Structural Systems software package. This chapter provides detailed descriptions on using the program, the steps required to design a shear wall using MASS, as well as additional applicable engineering information (including CSA standards references). This section also provides detailed descriptions and dissections of the results, so that users can completely understand the completed shear wall design. In addition, this section equips users with information on how MASS obtains a design, allowing a designer to manipulate the shear wall module with ease.

A full list of topics covered in this chapter is shown below (headings are each linked):

Introduction to Shear Walls

A basic primer before diving into the details of shear wall design.

Shear Wall Design Steps

A walk-through of the full process of designing a shear wall using MASS.

A Complete Shear Wall Design

This section outlines everything needed to complete every stage of the design process.

Shear Wall Loads Analysis

Explaining How MASS goes from applying loads to determining factored moment and shear values used for shear wall design

Shear Wall Design Strategy

Covering the details of what properties are changed before others in attempt to find a successful and efficient shear wall design.

Appendix Entry: Shear Wall Self-Weight

Formerly part of the appendix chapter in the original MASS help Files, this section explains how MASS determines the self-weight of a shear wall element.

Appendix Entry: P-M Interaction Diagram

Formerly part of the appendix chapter in the original MASS help Files, this section covers the process used by the software to generate an Interaction Diagram.


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